Fruit & Veg

Tomato Cherry Truss
$9.99 per kg
Tomato Large
$1.47 each (approx.) $6.99 per kg
Tomato Roma Large
$0.98 each (approx.) $6.99 per kg
Tomato Roma Tray
$3.99 each
Tomato Small
$0.46 each (approx.) $3.99 per kg
Tomato Truss
$5.99 per kg
Tomatoes Cherry Punnet 250g
$3.99 each
Tong Ho
$2.99 each
$34.99 per kg
Turnips White Bunch
$5.99 each
Turnips White Loose Kg
$3.10 each (approx.) $5.99 per kg
Tuscan Cabbage
$3.99 each
Walnuts Net 500g
$7.99 each
$2.99 each
Watercress Punnet 80g
$2.99 each
Watermelon Mini Whole Kg
$2.49 per kg
Watermelon S/​Less Cut Per Kg
$5.78 each (approx.) $2.89 per kg
Watermelon Seedless Whole P/​Kg
$11.92 each (approx.) $1.49 per kg
$9.99 each
Wombok - Half
$5.99 each
Yam Bean
$19.99 per kg
Zucchini Green Small
$0.54 each (approx.) $3.99 per kg
Zucchini Lebanese Per Kg
$0.47 each (approx.) $4.99 per kg
Zucchini Lebanese Tray Per Kg
$4.60 each (approx.) $9.99 per kg
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