Fruit & Veg

Tangelos Large
$4.99 per kg
$34.99 per kg
Basil Thai Bunch
$5.99 each
Chilli Bullhorn Red
$1.36 each (approx.) $12.99 per kg
Fruiterer's choice
Mandarin Afourer Small
$4.99 per kg
Pear Nashi Large
$1.57 each (approx.) $7.99 per kg
Rosemary Bunch
$5.99 each
Thyme Bunch
$5.99 each
Tong Ho
$2.99 each
Wombok - Half
$2.49 each
Banana Leaf
$29.99 per kg
Carrot Juicing Bag 5kg
$7.99 each
Eggplant Lebanese Tray
$12.99 per kg
Eggplant Purple
$1.03 each (approx.) $9.99 per kg
Mint Round
$3.99 each
Onion Brown 10kg
$12.99 each
Paw Paw Green Whole Per Kg
$10.19 each (approx.) $9.99 per kg
Pineapple Large Half
$3.99 each
Potatoes Brushed Bag 5kg
$5.99 each
Pumpkin Jap Whole Per Kg
$14.95 each (approx.) $2.99 per kg
$2.99 each
Watermelon Seedless Whole P/​Kg
$23.92 each (approx.) $2.99 per kg
Zucchini Lebanese Per Kg
$0.66 each (approx.) $6.99 per kg
Carrots Dutch Bunch
$2.99 each
Chilli Bullhorn Green
$1.87 each (approx.) $14.99 per kg
Gai Choy Bunch
$2.99 each
Onion Spanish Bag 10kg
$26.99 each
Yam Bean
$15.99 per kg
Artichokes Each
$3.99 each
Bay Leaves Bunch
$3.99 each
$6.99 each
Honey Dew Melon Large
$4.99 each
Hugos Snowpea Sprouts 160g
$3.99 each
Lettuce Hydro Green Oak
$1.99 each
Onion Pickling 1kg
$3.99 each
Pomegranate Large
$5.99 each
Turnips White Loose Kg
$3.10 each (approx.) $5.99 per kg
Beetroot Bunch
$5.99 each
$29.99 per kg
Grapes Black America (​Seeds)
$10.99 per kg
Honey Dew Melon Half
$2.99 each
Hugos Alfalfa Sprouts 125g
$2.99 each
Onion White
$1.72 each (approx.) $7.99 per kg
Chervil Bunch
$4.99 each
$2.81 each (approx.) $8.99 per kg
Hugos Mung Beans 200g
$1.99 each
Mandarin Sumo Dekopon Kg
$4.99 per kg
Parsley Curly Bunch
$3.99 each
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