Fruit & Veg

Kiwi Fruit Gold Per Kg
$14.99 per kg
Papaya Whole Per Kg
$7.46 each (approx.) $8.99 per kg
Thyme Bunch
$5.99 each
Apples Fuji Small
$0.50 each (approx.) $3.99 per kg
Garlic Shoots Bunch
$3.99 each
Sinqua (​Star Melon)
$4.21 each (approx.) $9.99 per kg
Cabbage Red Quarter
$2.99 each
Grapes Midnight Beauty S/​Less
$8.99 per kg
Radish Red Bunch
$3.99 each
Silverbeet Bunch
$4.99 each
Wombok - Half
$5.99 each
Chilli Thai Red Prepack
$49.99 per kg
Kiwi Fruit Large
$1.99 each
Lettuce Baby Cos Twin Pack
$3.99 each
Lychees P/​Pack Small Seed
$18.99 per kg
$2.38 each (approx.) $12.99 per kg
Potatoes Brushed
$0.80 each (approx.) $3.99 per kg
Potatoes Desiree
$1.52 each (approx.) $5.99 per kg
Pumpkin Cut Per Kg
$2.17 each (approx.) $1.79 per kg
Basil Thai Bunch
$5.99 each
$1.49 each
Rockmelon Large - Half
$2.99 each
Tomato Cherry Truss
$9.99 per kg
Aniseed (​Fennel)
$3.99 each
Apples Granny Smith Large
$1.41 each (approx.) $4.99 per kg
Apples Royal Gala Small
$0.60 each (approx.) $4.99 per kg
Candy Melon Large
$5.99 each
Carrots Dutch Bunch
$2.99 each
Chilli Long Hot Red P/​P
$8.75 each (approx.) $24.99 per kg
Corn Tray
$4.99 each
Gai Choy Bunch
$2.99 each
Ginger Prepack
$29.99 per kg
$1.99 each
Peaches Yellow Large
$2.05 each (approx.) $9.99 per kg
Potatoes Chats Bag Per Kg
$6.99 per kg
Bitter Melon Indian
$10.99 per kg
Choy Sum Bunch
$2.39 each
$2.19 each (approx.) $6.99 per kg
Banana Leaf
$29.99 per kg
Cauliflower Half
$2.99 each
Chilli Bullhorn Red
$1.36 each (approx.) $12.99 per kg
Chilli Thai Green Prepack
$49.99 per kg
Eggplant Lebanese Tray
$12.99 per kg
Mint Round
$3.99 each
Onion Brown 10kg
$14.99 each
Parsley Curly Bunch
$3.99 each
Pomegranate Large
$8.99 each
Rosemary Bunch
$5.99 each
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