Fruit & Veg

Mango Tray P/​P
$2.99 each
Mushroom White Shimeji 300g
$7.99 each
Mushrooms King Mini 300g
$6.99 each
Oregano Bunch
$4.99 each
Pear Chinese
$9.99 per kg
Plums Black Splendor Large
$7.99 per kg
Rocket Box 1.5kg
$30.00 each
S/​Garden Bean Sprouts Pkt 400g
$1.79 each
Sweet Potatoes Purple Premium
$6.99 per kg
Tomato Cherry Medley 200g
$3.99 each
Tomato Monte Rosa Kg
$9.99 per kg
Tomato Roma Tray
$3.99 each
Watercress Punnet 80g
$2.99 each
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