No subdepartments
Banana Leaf
$29.99 per kg
Banana Bell
$14.99 per kg
Baby Spinach Kg
$19.99 per kg
Baby Spinach Box 1.5kg
$28.00 each
Avocado Hass Large
$3.49 each
Asparagus Bunch
$4.99 each
Artichokes Each
$1.99 each
Apricots Small
$5.99 per kg
Apples Royal Gala Lge Premium
$6.49 per kg
Apples Red Delicious Large
~ $1.25 each ($5.29 per kg)
Apples Pink Lady Large
$3.99 per kg
Apples Granny Smith Small
Apples Granny Smith Large
~ $1.13 each ($3.99 per kg)
Apples Ginger Gold Kg
Apples Fuji Small
~ $0.62 each ($4.99 per kg)
Apples Fuji Premium Kg
Apples Dazzle Large
$4.99 per kg
Aniseed (Fennel)
$3.99 each
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